HIT: Holon Institute of Technology
In February 2022, K-Optics was presented to Prof. Apter Boris, from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at HIT: Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel.
At first, our Optic Table (450[mm] x 450[mm]) was presented to the professor, along with a detailed explanation of the product capabilities in terms of an educational environment.

In February 2022, the K-Optics system was presented to Professor Apter Boris, from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at HIT: Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel. At first, our Optic Table (450[mm] x 450[mm]) was presented to the professor, along with a detailed explanation of the product capabilities in terms of an educational environment.
Later, we presented one of our most advanced experiments, the Michelson Interferometer. Professor Apter examined the experiment system, its stability and its repeatability, and was highly impressed with the results. He noted that the mobility of the optic table is an excellent idea for educational needs. Instead of assembling and disassembling setups before and after every class, the professor could assemble different setups on different table systems once and then store them, and retrieve the proper experiment for the specific class.
The next setup presented, was our Slit Diffraction Experiment. This system allowed us to calculate the wavelengths of our laser modules accurately.
Finally, we presented our most basic system, the Ray Optics Experiment. This system explains the basics of light: reflection and refraction. using this setup it was possible to calculate the refractive index of the prisms that are part of the experiment system.
After the presentation, we toured the institute’s optic laboratories to better understand the most relevant ways to engage with educational optics.
In conclusion, the tour taught us of the educational methods at a college level, and the thought process behind selection of educational systems. We received fine feedback from a distinguished professor, with notes to fit the educational region, such as covers and protection of optical elements. All of the notes applied successfully.